These are a few of my top picks and trust me they are full of contents and resources specifically tailored to women/moms to help move your career forward. So if you are a career Mum, go check them out now and thank me later.
Fairygodboss has job listings, reviews, webinars, career blog content, Career advice, and a host of useful resources specifically for women
Career Contessa is an online career development and mentorship platform. It contains career articles, podcasts, checklists, e-guide, templates, worksheets
I Want Her Job is an award-winning career website for women featuring curated career conversations with individuals changing the future of business.
This is a website with Fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for working moms and working-moms-to-be.
Find women’s career building tips, motivational advice, and more. Ms. Career Girl aims to help ambitious young professional women find passion in their profession or a profession out of their passions.
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