It’s that time of the year again, where there are a lot of activities going on. The festive season especially the Christmas season is the period where a lot of buying goes on and buying is one of the favorite activities of mummies. Lol.
During the Christmas season, we want to buy new things for our children and for ourselves, we want to go out, we want to give gifts to parents, siblings, friends, acquaintances and we want to spoil ourselves silly, after all we have been working hard from January to December, why won’t we let down a little for ourselves.
This is also the period that a lot of companies pay 13month salaries plus the 12th month salary plus allowances as the case may be. Indeed, with all of the inflow from left, right and center, we are set for a detty December, but hey mummies, this December should be clean and not detty so that January (that has 60days, lol) will not be detty and brutal.
Below are few tips that can help us in enjoying this festive season without emptying our account
1. Make sure you have a budget for all your expenses for this season:
From cooking to buying gifts, to buying clothing, shoes and accessories for the children, going out and the rest, do have a budget and spend within your budget.
2. You must not spend all your bonuses and allowances on detty December: Make your December a clean one. Save, invest and let your bonus and allowances make more money for you.
3. Don’t be an impulse buyer: Because your colleague is buying dress for her daughter, doesn’t mean you should buy for yours. Buy only what you need. There is no point wasting money on what won’t be useful or what you won’t need at the end of the day.
4. Don’t be too hard on yourself: You have worked really hard from January to December as an employee, a wife, a mother and the rest of the title, treat yourself. What Is that one thing you have been craving for during the course of the year, do it for yourself now, but don’t blow up everything.
5. If you have debt to pay, pay it up, there is no point piling up debt: When you have money to clear it of, pay up your debt and start the new year without worrying about what owe.
6. This is the best time to have a financial plan for the new year, so that you can start well financially.
I wish us all a Merry Christmas and Happy new year in advance. The new
year will be financially rewarding for us. Amen.

Meet Mrs. Yemi Oshifowora, a daughter, a wife and a mother. She is also an accomplished professional with experience in accounting, financial reporting, Information technology, enterprise resources planning, personal and business finance coach.
She is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), An Associate Member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN), ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standard (Dip IFRS), and a MBA from University of South Wales in the UK.
She is that money mum friend that would teach you financial literacy.
You can follow Mrs. Yemi on IG @finance_for_moms she also has a telegram community.