8 things to look out for when selecting a daycare/creche for your child
- Watch out for the kids-to-caregivers/nanny ratio. The fewer kids per caregiver/nanny, the better. Also find out if the caregivers are highly experienced and knowledgeable.
- Find out how various activities in the daycare center are handled. Things such as first aid, sleeping routine, feeding, crying, discipline, play, television, a sick-child etc.
- Find out and take account of their opening and closing hours, this is so you can plan drop-ins and pick-ups.
- Find out if the facility director is experienced in early childhood care, education or administration. He/She should also be responsive and easy to reach.
- Observe & look out for information on security. A good daycare will have clear and specific procedures for signing children into and out of the facility.
- Take notice of classroom cleanliness and child-proofing. Examine how waste are handled, sockets, exposed wires, and windows for safety etc.
- Ask other parents, or even your family and friends for their personal recommendation. Pay close attention to any red flags mentioned about a particular daycare
- Trust your gut. If something just doesn’t feel right about a particular daycare, try other options.
Other things to consider are
- Accreditation
- Cost
- Location
What did we miss? What is/was top priority for you when choosing a daycare/creche/school? Pls share in the comment section and tag a mum who needs this.