How To Live Your Best Life As A Mum (Adejoke Naomi Tola-Ogunlewe)
Adejoke is a lawyer, women rights advocate and business consultant. She is also a certified emotional intelligence expert.
She is a member of the legacy firm, Ogunlewe & Ogunlewe. She also has experience in advisory and litigation practice. Her practice areas include Legal and Regulatory Advisory for Non-Governmental & Non-Profit Organisations, providing legal advisory and support for SMEs.
Adejoke was the pioneer Legal Officer and In-House Counsel at the House of Freedom, a position she created and carved for herself.
She is a seasoned transaction due diligence expert.
She is passionate about helping women with small businesses and start ups with strategic legal solutions.
Her other fortes include human rights and advocacy.
She is married with a daughter.
The key focus points were
- How to empower yourself to live your best life
- How to outsource what you can and live in the moment
Here is her session with us:
Listen & watch:
How to empower yourself to live your best life
How to outsource what you can and live in the moment
- Building a support system
2. Be Gentle with yourself
3. Outsource
Live in or live out help?
How can I detach myself mentally from a Narcissistic partner?
Like I said earlier I will have a more structured platform to impact and carry women along starting with a course I am launching soon, Please prioritize enough to invest in yourselves.
Cheers to an empowered and stronger you
You have all my love 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️