Ijeoma Thomas-Odia is a writer, journalist, public relations strategist and parenting enthusiast.

She currently works on the weekend desk of The Guardian Newspapers in Lagos and have reported on variety of beats with interests on women and children.
She also anchors a weekly parenting column, educating parents through their journey.
The graduate of Mass Communication from Imo State University, Owerri is an associate of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (ANIPR).
With the use of her pen, she is helping women owned brands and initiatives gain media visibility.

Leveraging On Earned PR To Boost Your Brand


I am more than honored to be sharing some nuggets on Media and PR today. So, I will be sharing practicable insights on gaining earned Public Relations… More like the media can’t ignore you and you don’t have to really pay. PR is a practice of deliberately managing the spread of information (news) between an Organization /individual (brand) and its public. It is a strategic communication process that builds mutual relationship between the brand and customer/potential customers. So basically, PR is your trusted communication link… Because it creates the right kind of awareness that further increases customer retention, loyalty.

So, PR is actually very important for any business to have that reach.

It’s like creating a really beautiful dress and wearing it indoors, no one sees it… There has to be awareness, credible information about your dress, that will encourage people to buy, refer others, and come again

So, there are 5 key ways I will share to encourage PR especially for really small businesses, with zero budget to earn PR

First is: Attend relevant events and host events too!

Read and get engaged in Research

Be social media savvy

Connect with those who are making wave in your industry

Finally If there are some people you should have in your life, to boost your brand, it’s the media!
If the media people don’t see it, reach out to those you know, pitch it as an event that has beneficial news content to the public, they will come!

Q: where can the pitching be done? Via mail?


Yes, email, phone calls, letters… Then follow ups! You will be in their minds and subconscious, They will just know, ‘there’s this lady that disturbs me, let me answer her’, when your content makes sense, they come back for more and Don’t Ever think you are doing them a favour… Always be welcoming… No one likes rude People, media guys will always run to those who are welcoming.

Who has ever thought of getting a Wikipedia profile. Do we know what it is? The only way to get a Wiki profile is by gaining media attention!

Q: At what point do they create a Wiki profile and who are the somebody that create them


At the point when you have become too important for the media space to ignore… Sometimes, no one knows, people suggest you… Or you make the move the PR way. There are people trained by Wikipedia to create profiles, it’s a no partial forum, every profile is created based on the content people have said about them online

Thank you! pls follow and engage with Ijeoma on her IG page, she shares a lot of useful insights like this.


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